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ArtikelGeneral Resolution of Correlation Matrices into Components and Its Utilization in Multiple and Partial Regression  
Oleh: Creager, John A.
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Psychometrika: A Journal of Quantitative Psychology vol. 23 no. 1 (Mar. 1958), page 1-8.
Topik: Fundamental Relations; Inverse of the Intercorrelation Matrix; Obtaining Regression Statistics; Prediction of Factor Scores; Computational Techniques
Fulltext: Vol 23 no.1 March 1958 p.1-8.pdf (354.62KB)
Isi artikelThe derivation of multiple and partial regression statistics from uniqueness-augmented factor loadings, presented in the literature for orthogonal factor solutions, is generalized to oblique solutions. A mathematical rationale for the general case, without restriction to uncorrelated factors, is presented. Use of the general formulation is illustrated with a two-factor, seven-variable example.
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