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ArtikelRelationships Between Two Systems of Factor Analysis  
Oleh: Harris, C. W.
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Psychometrika: A Journal of Quantitative Psychology vol. 21 no. 2 (Jun. 1956), page 185-190.
Topik: Relationships; Factor Analysis; Estimation of Common Factors
Fulltext: Vol 21 no.2 June 1956 p.185-190.pdf (284.46KB)
Isi artikelConsidering only population values, it is shown that the complete set of factors of a correlation matrix with units in the diagonal cells may be transformed into the factors derived by factoring these correlations with communalities in the diagonal cells. When the correlations are regarded as observed values, the common factors derived as a transformation of the complete set of factors of the correlation matrix with units in the diagonal cells satisfy Lawley's requirement for a maximum likelihood solution and are a first approximation to Rao's canonical factors.
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