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F-Test Bias for Experimental Designs in Educational Research
Gourlay, Neil
Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi:
Psychometrika: A Journal of Quantitative Psychology vol. 20 no. 3 (Sep. 1955)
page 227-248.
Design of Factor Analysis
Simple Structure
Objective Definition of Simple Structure
Proposed Objective Criteria
Linear Constellations and Vector Masses
Computing Procedure
Vol 20 No.3 Sept 1955 p.227-248.pdf
Isi artikel
Reference is made to Neyman's study ofF-test bias for the randomized blocks and Latin square designs employed in agriculture, and some account is given of later statistical developments which sprang from his work—in particular, the classification of model-types and the technique of variance component analysis. It is claimed that there is a need to carry out an examination ofF-test bias for experimental designs in education and psychology which will utilize the method and, where appropriate, the known' results of this new branch of variance analysis. In the present paper, such an investigation is carried out for designs which may be regarded as derivatives of the agricultural randomized blocks design. In a paper to follow, a similar investigation will be carried out for experimental designs of the Latin square type.
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