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Pro-Kontra dan Prospektif Kewenangan Uji Konstitusionalitas Perpu
Muda, Iskandar
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi:
Jurnal Konstitusi vol. 10 no. 01 (Mar. 2013)
page 069-088.
Kata Kunci : Uji Konstitusionallitas Perpu
Judicial Review on the Constitutionaity of Perpu
Pros and Cons
069-088 JK 1001 0313.pdf
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Pro-kontra kewenangan uji konstitusionalitas Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang (Perpu) baik dari sesama hakim Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) maupun dari kalangan dunia ilmu hukum boleh-boleh saja. Adanya pro-kontra kewenangan uji konstitusionalitas Perpu bukan karena perbedaan kepentingan di antara mereka, melainkan karena perbedaan mazhab atau aliran pemikiran dan metodologi penafsiran yang dianut. Dengan adanya kewenangan MK dalam hal uji konstitusionalitas Perpu sejalan dengan filososi Judicial Activism (paham yang bersifat aktif) yang identik dengan “Patung Dewi Keadilan” yang matanya tidak tertutup sehingga mampu menyaksikan dan menyerap “rasa keadilan masyarakat”, mampu menyerap nilai-nilai hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat, mampu menyerap tuntutan dan aspirasi masyarakat serta tidak terlepas pula terciptanya “hakim yang berfikir” sehingga putusan-putusan hakim tersebut responsif. Namun demikian kewenangan uji konstitusionalitas Perpu oleh MK di masa yang akan datang kemungkinan dapat menimbulkan “dampak yang lebih luas”, artinya bukan sekedar uji konstitusionalitas Perpu saja. === Pros and cons of the authority to deal with judicial constitutionality review of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu) either from fellow judges of the Constitutional Court (MK) or from the world of legal science is acceptable. The pros and cons is not due to the differences in interests between them, but it is caused by the differences in schools or schools of thought and interpretation methodologies adopted. The authority of the Constitutional Court to review the constitutionality of Perpu is in line with the philosophy of Judicial Activism (the concept of active understanding) which is identical to the "Statue of the Goddess of Justice" whose eyes are not closed in order to be able to watch and absorb the "sense of social justice", to incorporate the living legal values in the society, respond to the demand and aspiration of the people and, furthermore, to create “the thinking judges” which make their decisions responsive. However, the authority of the Court to review the constitutionality of the Perpu might cause “broader impacts” in the future which means that the impact will not be only on the constitutionality review of the Perpu but also on the other decisions of Constitutional Court.
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