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Maximizing Predictive Efficiency for a Fixed Total Testing Time
Taylor, Calvin W.
Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi:
Psychometrika: A Journal of Quantitative Psychology vol. 15 no. 4 (Dec. 1950)
page 391-406.
Predictive Efficiency
Testing Time
Maximizing Predictive Efficiency for a Fixed Total Testing Time.pdf
Isi artikel
For any fixed total time of testing it is possible, through proper item-and-time allotment, to combine tests into a battery so that the multiple correlation with a pre-assigned criterion will be maximized. By holding constant the ratio of the length in number of items to the time length for each test, a set of general equations has been derived which will yield this maximum value of the multipleR and will enable one to determine, in any given case, the optimal fraction of total testing time that should be devoted to each type of test under consideration. The set of general equations is applied to a two-test-battery problem to obtain the optimal length of each type of test for one hour total testing time. If two other tests had been selected for the two-test sample problem, different subdivisions of the total time would generally occur. The manner in which the results would change when using other tests with different initial reliability, validity, and intercorrelation values is briefly presented. Some general implications of this method of battery development are also discussed.
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