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ArtikelThe Problem of Classification of Personnel  
Oleh: Thorndike, Robert L.
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Psychometrika: A Journal of Quantitative Psychology vol. 15 no. 3 (Sep. 1950), page 215-235.
Topik: Tests; Classification Battery; Accomplish Classification
Fulltext: The Problem of Classification of Personnel.pdf (1.18MB)
Isi artikelThe personnel classification problem arises in its pure form when all job applicants must be used, being divided among a number of job categories. The use of tests for classification involves problems of two types: (1) problems concerning the design, choice, and weighting of tests into a battery, and (2) problems of establishing the optimum administrative procedure of using test results for assignment. A consideration of the first problem emphasizes the desirability of using simple, factorially pure tests which may be expected to have a wide range of validities for different job categories. In the use of test results for assignment, an initial problem is that of expressing predictions of success in different jobs in comparable score units. These units should take account of predictor validity and of job importance. Procedures are described for handling assignment either in terms of daily quotas or in terms of a stable predicted yield.
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