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ArtikelTest Reliability Estimated by Analysis of Variance  
Oleh: Hoyt, Cyril
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Psychometrika: A Journal of Quantitative Psychology vol. 6 no. 3 (Jun. 1941), page 153-160.
Topik: Test Reliability; Variance
Fulltext: Test Reliability Estimated by Analysis of Variance.pdf (257.92KB)
Isi artikelA formula for estimating the reliability of a test, based on the analysis of variance theory, is developed and illustrated. The data needed for the required computation are the number of correct responses to each item and the score for each subject. The results obtained from this formula are identical with those from one of the special cases of the Kuder-Richardson formulation. The relationships of the new procedure to other approaches to the problem are indicated.
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