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Correlation of Speech Acts and Language Functions in Top Notch Series vs. ILI Textbooks from a Pragmatic Point of View
Poupari, Zahra
Bagheri, Mohammad Sadegh
Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi:
International Journal of English Linguistics vol. 3 no. 2 (Apr. 2013)
page 72-81.
speech acts
language functions
textbooks evaluation
Zahra Poupari.pdf
Isi artikel
The present paper is an attempt to evaluate the conversations of two currently used textbooks in Iranian context (Top Notch and ILI textbooks) on the basis of two frameworks of Halliday(1978) and Cohen(1996) to determine features of the books in general and the strengths and weaknesses of them, in particular. For this purpose, two levels (Basic& Intermediate) were selected and two pragmatic models of Halliday and Cohen were applied to analyze them. The researcher codified each speech acts and language functions in the conversations. The researcher concluded that the absence of one of the speech acts and language functions in the conversations of the two previously mentioned textbooks can be regarded as a weak point of these textbooks. The results showed that the conversations in the two textbooks have some pragmatic problems with regard to language functions and speech acts.
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