Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:43 WIB
ArtikelThe Sonority Sequencing Principle in Sanandaji/Erdelani Kurdish An Optimality Theoretical Perspective  
Oleh: Zahedi, Muhamad Sediq ; Alinezhad, Batool ; Rezai, Vali
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: International Journal of English Linguistics vol. 2 no. 5 (Oct. 2012), page 72-84.
Topik: consonant cluster; sonority; optimality theory; Sanandaji/Erdelani Kurdish
Fulltext: Muhamad Sediq Zahedi.pdf (292.09KB)
Isi artikelThe aim of this article is to study Sanandaji consonant clusters in relation with their conformity to the principle of sonority sequencing. Analyzing the data provided in this paper, we found out that, of the three kinds of consonant clusters existing in all languages, only core clusters—clusters that conform to the sonority sequencing principle (SSP)—are found in Sanandaji, and therefore the arrangement and combination of segments to make syllables in this dialect of Kurdish is absolutely governed by the SSP. Applying principles of Optimality Theory on the data, the relative ranking of syllable structure constraints is determined, the outcome of which is deriving surface phonotactic patterns through the interaction of markedness and faithfulness constraints.
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