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ArtikelComparing how mothers and teachers talk to children: is it different and does it matter?  
Oleh: Edwards, Susan
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Child Language Teaching and Therapy (Full Text & ada di PROQUEST) vol. 7 no. 3 (Sep. 1991), page 298.
Fulltext: Child Language Teaching and Therapy-1991-Edwards-298-309.pdf (614.32KB)
Isi artikelA number Address for Reading, of studies correspondence: PO Box 218, have shown that maternal mentally handicapped (MH) (DN) children, differs. prime providers of children. when Many they start the Dr S. Reading children and to Whereas mothers linguistic input, are still at a school, Edwards, Department RG6 2AA, UK. of of linguistic input developmentally DN children the situation to Linguistic Science, University young normal may differs for primitive stage of language development potential language input may teachers. and thus teachers as well as mothers are Despite the enhance MH children’s systematic comparison of results are three given from pre-school at the one-word a suggestion that certain modes language growth, mother and teacher study MH children is stage, in which maternal and compared. The be the of MH adult there has been no input. In this paper, pedagogic input children, who were all were recorded with their mothers at home and their teachers at school. The adult utterances were examined an analysis analysis. the based on a descriptive surface grammar Results reveal that while there were groups, tions both group and individual for professional working discussed. Introduction There are two reasons why we many differences and (2) a using (1 ) functional similarities between exist. The with MH children and their might want to compare to implica- parents the way mothers and teachers talk to young mentally handicapped (MH) extensive debate in the child maternal linguistic language environment might are
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