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Overview of the Volume
Zittoun, Tania
Perret-Clermont, Anne-Nelly
Pontecorvo, Clotilde
Article from Books - E-Book
Dalam koleksi:
Joining Society Social Interaction and Learning in Adolescence and Youth
page 26-38.
Youth-Constructed Socialization
Personal Agency Through Collective Activity
Learning in Practice and Discourse
Intergenerational Sites for Thinking
Pathways to Adulthood in National Context
Overview of the Volume.pdf
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The contributions of this book lead the way to a wide variety of questions related to young people moving toward adulthood in complex societies. Ideas such as youth, society, and adulthood are problematic; so is the nature of the move itself. In their opening chapters, Perret-Clermont and Resnick consider this period as a time of preparation or transition; but it can also be described in terms of socialization, of learning – and learning refers both to acquisition of skills in speci?c communities and to the ability to enter new social spaces – or of developing thinking abilities – for resolving problems or for re?ecting on one’s own trajectory. The authors included in this volume would all admit that young people neither learn nor think in isolation, and the authors would also assume the embeddedness of personal, intersubjective, group, and wider contextual dimensions, although their analyses focus on different levels.
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