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How to become a translator
Adams, Henry E.
Article from Books - Textbook
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A Practical Guide for Translators
page 1-24.
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People usually become translators in one of two ways: by design or by circumstance. There are no formal academic qualifi cations required to work as a translator, but advertisements for translators in the press and professional journals tend to ask for graduates with professional qualifi cations and three years’ experience. Many countries have professional organisations for translators and if the organisation is a member of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) it will have demonstrated that it sets specifi c standards and levels of academic achievement for membership. The translation associations affi liated to FIT can be found on FIT’s website – www. fi Two organisations in the United Kingdom set examinations for professional membership. These are the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIoL) and the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI ). To gain a recognised professional qualifi cation through membership of these associations you must meet certain criteria. Comprehensive details of professional associations for translators in the United Kingdom are given in Chapter 11. If you have completed your basic education and have followed a course of study to become a translator, you will then need to gain experience. As a translator, you will invariably be asked to translate every imaginable subject. The diffi culty is accepting the fact that you have limitations and you are faced with the dilemma of ‘How do I gain experience if I don’t accept translations or do I accept translations to get the experience?’. Ideally as a fl edgling translator you should work under the guidance of a more experienced colleague. Do not disregard your dossier of translations made while studying at university. You will have covered a range of subjects and received feedback from your tutor. You will be unlikely to receive this level of analytical constructive criticism from an agency or client. If you have progressed to studying for an MA you will have reached a very professional level. Continuous personal development with a professional body such as the ITI or the CIoL will stand you in very good stead.
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