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ArtikelBook Review: Computational phonology: a constraint-based approach  
Oleh: Goldsmith, John A.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Phonology (Full Text) vol. 14 no. 1 (Mar. 1997), page 133-141.
Fulltext: Goldsmith_John BOOK REVIEW.pdf (129.44KB)
Isi artikelWhat is computational phonology, and what does it bring to phonology?* Does it offer a new set of tools for phonological analysis, or a new conception of data or a new set of goals? These are the questions that come up in reading Steven Bird's recent book, and I would like to examine some of the perspectives Bird offers. The type of phonological analysis that Bird develops in this book has been explored most notably by several phonologists in Great Britain, including John Coleman and James Scobbie, in addition to Bird himself. In some interesting respects it has resonances with the in¯uential work on syntax developed by Gerald Gazdar, Ewan Klein, Geoff Pullum and Ivan Sag under the rubric of Generalised Phrase-structure Grammar (GPSG; Gazdar et al. 1985), and it is surely no coincidence that Bird expressed his indebtedness to Ewan Klein's guidance in the writing of this book, itself a development of a doctoral dissertation at Edinburgh University (Bird 1990). Computational phonology is organised into six chapters and an appendix. Chapter 1 offers an introduction, a brief discussion of autosegmental formalism and a survey of computational phonology and of constraints in phonology. Chapter 2 presents a formalism appropriate for an autosegmental phonology, while Chapter 3 discusses apparent problems for a non-destructive theory of phonology (that is, a theory of phonology in which speci®cations can never be undone by rules, roughly speaking). Chapter 4 presents a version of feature geometry linked up to Browman & Goldstein's gestural score model (Browman & Goldstein 1989), Chapter 5 presents some aspects of Bird's computer implementation of his system and Chapter 6 presents some conclusions. The appendix covers some technical areas sensibly left out of the main text.
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