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ArtikelFrom "Write-Up" to Right Profitable  
Oleh: Drew, Jeff
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Accountancy vol. 215 no. 4 (Apr. 2013), page 24-30.
Topik: Cloud Computing; CPAs; Bookkeeping
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: JJ85.34
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Isi artikel CPA firms for decades saw little upside to providing basic accounting services to business clients. Bookkeeping and other "write-up" activities required extensive data entry and document transfer that chewed up man-hours but did not require much specialzed knowledge. Client accounting services (CAS) were seen as commodities that brought with them depressed hourly rates and a risk of costly errors. It simply made more sense, not to mention money, for CPA firms to focus on higher-margin tax and audit work. A trio of mega-trends has laid the groundwork for the growth of CAS, said Geoffrey Moore, who interviewed dozens of CPAs while researching Accounting Services: Harness the Power of Cloud Computing, a white paper he developed for CPA2Biz, the AICPA's technology and marketing services subsidiary. Not every accounting firm is suited to offer cloud-powered CAS. Firms that audit publicly traded companies can run into problems with SEC and PCAOB regulations related to the offering of consulting services.
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