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ArtikelMakna Iklan Televisi ( Studi Fenomenologi Pemirsa di Jakarta terhadap Iklan Televisi Minuman “Kuku Bima Energi” Versi Kolam Susu )  
Oleh: Afdjani, Hadiono ; Soemirat, Soleh
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi vol. 08 no. 01 (2010), page 96-108.
Topik: Meaning; Television; Advertisement
Fulltext: MAKNA_IKLAN_TELEVISI.pdf (591.13KB)
Isi artikelThis study aims to understand the meaning of audience for television ads “Kuku Bima Energi” versions of kolam susu, which also promotes the natural beauty of the East Nusa Tenggara. “Kuku Bima Energi” is a superior product PT Sido Appear. Through television ads, PT Sido Appears to strengthen the brand image of “Kuku Bima Energi” is also concerned about the development of Indonesian tourism. Approach or the attractiveness of PT Sido Appeared ad used “Kuku Bima Energi” is that audiences interpret television ads generate brand associations that lead to the formation of brand image. The research question posed is: How do viewers interpret television ads “Kuku Bima Energi” version of kolam susu? Will viewers interpret tel- evision ads in the “Kuku Bima Energi” lead to the formation of brand image? Qualitative research methods with the tradition of phenomenology. The subjects were in the public televi- sion audience at Jakarta. Object in this research is the television ad “Kuku Bima Energi” version of kolam susu. The collection of data obtained through observation, in-depth interviews conducted on public television viewers who become informants. Data was also obtained through the library and documentation from various media, both print and online. Research results re- vealed that the brand image of “Kuku Bima Energi” is identical with the benefits of the product, which is felt upon the experiences of each informant. Experience is the most influential in the creation of a brand in mind. So, not because the materials or content ads “Kuku Bima Energi” version of the milk pool. Although the purpose of advertising is very good, which joined forces to introduce or promote the natural charm of East Nusa Tenggara as a tourism destination to the public.
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