Anda belum login :: 04 Dec 2024 00:55 WIB
ArtikelIdentity, language, and ethnic relations in the Bilingual Autonomous Communities of Spain  
Oleh: Montarulia, Elisa ; Bourhisa, Richard Y. ; Azurmendib, Maria-Jose
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Sociolinguistics (Full Text) vol. 15 no. 1 (2011), page 94-121.
Topik: Multiple identities; linguistic minorities; ethnolinguistic vitality; language revitalisation; Bilingual Autonomous Communities of Spain
Fulltext: Montaruli_Elisa.pdf (290.36KB)
Isi artikelThis study surveyed 2446 undergraduates from five Bilingual Autonomous Communities (BAC) of Spain. We propose that the creation of the BAC of Spain in 1978 allowed the development of differing prototypic identities ranging from Spanish only identity, Autonomous only identity, and various permutations of dual Spanish/Autonomous identities. Based on their linguistic and ethnic self-identifications, the percentage of participants endorsing each prototypic identity was monitored along with their key sociopsychological correlates. Six prototypic identity profiles were obtained. Results indicate that individuals endorsing the Autonomous only (11%) and Spanish only (13%) identities were more likely to engage in problematic intergroup relations. Strong Dual identifiers (9%) are the most likely to act as cultural and linguistic brokers and to foster intergroup harmony. Pro- Spanish (15%) and Moderate Dual (7%) identifiers are more likely to benefit from language learning in theAutonomous language and emerge as cultural brokers.
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