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ArtikelCode eclecticism: Linguistic variation and code alternation in the chat language of Flemish teenagers  
Oleh: Vandekerckhove, Reinhild ; Nobels, Judith
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Sociolinguistics (Full Text) vol. 14 no. 5 (Oct. 2010), page 657-677.
Topik: Chat language; West-Flemish adolescent speech; quantitative and qualitative approach; dialect use; code alternation; Flemish Dutch
Fulltext: Vandekerckhove_Reinhild.pdf (188.04KB)
Isi artikelThis paper deals with written chat language produced by West-Flemish teenagers. By analyzing some exemplary data in a quantitative and a qualitative way, it is demonstrated that the chatspeak of the adolescents reflects the wide range of varieties which belong to the verbal repertoire of the youngest generation. The teenagers generally create a ‘regional style’ but do not aim at rendering local dialect speech faithfully. The medium appears to offer the teenagers an opportunity to appropriate (written) Dutch and transform it into a multilayered heterogeneous variety by combining several varieties of Dutch in a very eclectic way. Finally, it is argued that the findings question the polarized view of Dutch in Flanders that has been prominent in the public debate both amongst linguists and non-linguists in the past decades.
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