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Perbedaan Pengaruh Air Beroksigen Tinggi dengan Air Mineral terhadap Saturasi Oksigen dan pH Urin Studi Eksperimental terhadap Sukarelawan Setelah Berolahraga The Difference in The Effect Between The Oxygenated and Mineral Water on The O2 Saturation A
Ellyana, Naila Shulya
Sarosa, Hadi
Hussaana, Atina
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi:
Sains Medika (Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan) vol. 03 no. 02 (Jul. 2011)
page 162-167.
Oxygenated water
mineral water
pH urine
oxygen saturation
Air Beroksigen Tinggi.pdf
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Background: During exercise, oxygen decreases due to acidosis leading the production acid urine by kidney.Oxygenated water having capability to absorb more oxygen compared to mineral water is used to meet theoxygen need during exercise. This study investigated the effect of oxygenated water and mineral water onthe O2 saturation and urine pH.Design and method: In this crossover study, 46 subjects were randomly assigned to either oxygenated wateror mineral water for 24 hours followed by a crossover to the other regimen for an additional 24 hours oftreatment. After 100 m sprint running for 20 minutes, the oxygen saturation and urine pH of the subjectswere assessed.Result:The mean oxygen saturation before and after the treatment of oxygenated water were 96.78±1.32and 97.61±0.93 respectively. The mean oxygen saturation before and after the mineral water treatmentwas 97.35±0.85 and 97.01±1.04 respectively. The urine pH after the administration of oxygenated waterand mineral water were 6.643±0.69 and 6.585±0,58 respectively. Wilcoxon test resulted in no significantdifference in pH after the treatment of oxygenated water and mineral water (p=0.498). Urine pH after thetreatment of oxygenated water was found to be higher compared to that of mineral water.Conclusion: the oxygenated water increases the O2 saturation and urine pH compared to mineral water(Sains Medika, 3(2):162-167).
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