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ArtikelSubjective modality and tense in Persian  
Oleh: Tavangar, Manoochehr ; Amouzadeh, Mohammad
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Language Sciences (Full Text) vol. 31 no. 6 (2009), page 853-873.
Topik: Subjectivity; Modality; Tense; Interrogation; Conditionality; Modal harmony; Persian
Fulltext: vol. 31 issue 6 November, 2009. p. 853-873.pdf (289.54KB)
Isi artikelThe present paper sets out to focus on an aspect of the modal system of Persian which, despite its crucial role in interactive discourse, has not received the treatment it deserves. More precisely, the paper seeks to investigate how the simple past is deployed to express subjective epistemic and deontic modality within a future-oriented framework. This apparent clash between tense and time can be explained in terms of a set of recognition criteria: tense-distinction, interrogation, conditionality and modal harmony. The clash is also explicable pragmatically in that it is heavily context-dependent. In both cases, the underlying assumption is that the modality under consideration is invariably construed as indicating certainty, disbelief, challenge, nonchalance or obligation with respect to a particular state of affairs.
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