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ArtikelA comparative study of the effects of input-based and production-based and production-based acquisition by young EFL learners  
Oleh: Shintani, Natsuko
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Language Teaching Research (sebagian Full Text) vol. 15 no. 2 (Apr. 2011), page 137-158.
Topik: vocabulary acquisition; input-based instruction; production-based instruction; task-based language teaching; young learners
Fulltext: Shintani_Natsuko.pdf (345.09KB)
Isi artikelThe study reported in this article investigated the comparative effects of two types of treatment – one of which emphasized input and the other output – on the vocabulary acquisition of young EFL learners. In the input-based instruction, the students were not required to produce output whereas in the production-based instruction the students were required to produce output. Thirty-six Japanese children aged 6–8 were divided into three groups (input-based, productionbased and control group), received six weeks instruction and took four types of vocabulary tests as a pre-, post- and delayed post-test. The findings provide further evidence that both input-based and production-based instruction lead to both receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge. In general, the results show similar levels of effects for input-based and production-based instruction on vocabulary acquisition. However, an examination of process features indicates that the inputbased tasks provided opportunities for richer interaction for the learners than the productionbased activities. This may explain the better performance of the input-based group on the taskbased comprehension test and the same levels of achievement in the production tests despite relatively fewer opportunities for second language (L2) production
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