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Artikel“It Cannot Be Done Alone”: The Socialization of Novice English Teachers in South Korea  
Oleh: Shin, Sangkeun
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: TESOL Quarterly (Full Text; vol 1-16 ada di JSTOR) vol. 46 no. 3 (2012), page 542-567.
Fulltext: Shin_SangKeun.pdf (119.26KB)
Isi artikelPrior studies on novice teachers’ adjustment to the school environment have shown that many new teachers adopt the teaching practices of existing teachers. By exploring the reasons why new teachers with a proficient command of English end up conducting English classes in Korean, this study analyzed factors influencing the socialization of new teachers. Analyses of questionnaires, interviews, and critical incident reports show that the choice of instructional language was influenced by institutional constraints, school culture, and norms surrounding the teaching and learning of English, rather than the teacher’s individual capabilities. The results suggest that a more important factor than the individual teacher’s ability is creating school systems and school cultures that enable teachers to apply the teaching methods they were trained to use.
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