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Minat Siswa Terhadap Sains Dan Implikasinya Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pembelajaran Sains Di Sekolah
Rohandi, R.
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI - non-atma jaya
Dalam koleksi:
Widya Dharma: Jurnal Kependidikan (Majalah Ilmiah Kependidikan) vol. 20 no. 02 (Apr. 2010)
page 168-182.
Pendidikan Sains
Budaya Dan Pengalaman Siswa
Perpustakaan PKPM
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This paper describes the results of a study on the eighth grade students' attitudes and interests towards science. Factors studied were their interest towards science, attitudes towards science and technology, attitudes towards learning science, and interest in out-of school experiences. Students' attitudes and interests towards science were high or positive. Students' attitudes towards learning science and their interest in out-of school experiences in science are significant factors to explain their interest in science. However, th epositive attitude towards science and technology does not necessarily lead to a positive commitment to science that influences students' interest and learning in science. Students could not regulate their interest in the form of continuing and transforming their science class activities into more interesting out-of school experiences. The result of this study leads to the important consideration of the complexity of learning context and students' interest which can be influenced by their surrounding culture such as household, friends, and communities. This result indicated that the learning processes need to shift a part of science education to the nature (more contextual and relevant) and give students the possibility to see what they are learning about and to develop and sustain students' interest towards science.
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