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ArtikelCF-reduplication in English: Dynamic Prototypes & Contrastive Focus Effects  
Oleh: Song, Myounghyoun ; Lee, Chungmin
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: Proceedings of the 21st Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference, held at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 20 - 22, 2011, page 444–462.
Topik: Contrastive Focus; Dynamic Prototypes; Relevant Alternatives; Intensional Semantics
Fulltext: 444-462.pdf (307.5KB)
Isi artikelThis paper puts forward a category-based account of CF-reduplications by means of a prototype category, dynamic prototpypes and contrastive focus effects. The CF-reduplications refer to three different levels of a category: the prototype of a category, the subcategories in a category or a category itself. The CF-marked modifier receives the intension of a base word and produces a contingently determined denotation of CF-reduplications, on the basis of dynamic prototypes in the minds of speakers. The Contrastive Focus exhaustively selects the denotation of the CFreduplications out of immediately relevant alternatives in the discourse. CFreduplications semantically have dynamically changing denotations and pragmatically facilitate the communication between speakers with contrastive focus effects.
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