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Optimasi Pertukaran Fasa Pada Sistem Distribusi Radial Dengan Metode Virusevolutionary Genetic Algorithm
Suryawan, I Ketut
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Riset & Teknologi Terapan (Ritektra) "Teknologi Terapan dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Daya Saing Industri Nasional", Jakarta 16 - 17 Juni 2010 : Fakultas Teknik Elektro (2010)
page 311-319.
Phase Swapping
Virus Evolutionary Genetic Algorithm
Unbalance Phase
Power Losses
TE-C-06 _I K Suryawan - Poltek Negeri Bali Bali_.pdf
Isi artikel
Unbalanced loading in power distribution network will reduce power quality, increase power losses, and also degrade performance from three phase loads of wellbalanced such as electromotor and transformer. This affect will be wide progressively since the happening of voltage unbalance at common link with effect of local unbalanced loading. One of way to reduce unbalanced condition that is with phase swapping. Phase swapping is a direct approach and economic. It can be done at am maintenance or recovery period. This paper aim to get scheme of optimal phase swapping to improve load balancing and reduce power losses at a radial distribution network with remain to improve phase balancing at source network. To trace scheme of optimal phase swapping we proposed by using virus-evolutionary genetic algorithm ( VEGA). The VEGA is a stochastic optimization method simulating co-evolution of host population and virus population. This simulation formed by genetic operator and virus infection operator which realize vertical genetic inheritance and horizontal propagation. To evaluate performance from method proposed in tracing of scheme of optimal phase swapping have been done simulation at two different radial distribution system and compared to by using genetic algorithm which have been publicized. Simulation result indicate that VEGA able to generate diversity of scheme of phase swapping and more effective.
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