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ArtikelEnglish Department Students' Collocation Abilities  
Oleh: Kweldju, Siusana
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: TEFLIN Journal: Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia vol. 10 no. 01 (1999), page 1-15.
Topik: collocation; vocabulary
Fulltext: Siusana Kweldju.pdf (105.41KB)
Isi artikelIn order to discover how well English Department students' knowledge of collocations and how successful the communication strategies students used to help them supply the expected collocations, 60 subjects were involved in this study. A fill-in-the-blank form test was administered to them to supply the collocates of the given nodes of selected collocations. The result of the analysis indicated that learners had a low mastery of collocations, and collocations need deliberate learning and teaching.
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