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BukuStress Distribution Analysis of Two Aluminium Hook Models by Photoelasticity Method (Article of International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Vol. 12 Iss. 12 2017 p. 3145-3150)
Author: Yongkimandalan, Nicky ; Setyanto, Djoko
Topik: Two Aluminium Hook Model 6061 series; Stress Distribution; Photoelasticity; Isochromate
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Research India Publications     Tempat Terbit: India    Tahun Terbit: 2017    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: 2017 IJAER VOL 12 NO 12 STRESS DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS.pdf (699.4KB; 1 download)
There are two profile models that serves as a hook. These models were made from 6061 series aluminium materials, working on the load of 3 – 10 kg and these hooks area is corrosive. Two hook models have geometric resemblance but work the same. Therefore, these two hook models would like to be comparable with one another, in order to figure out which model is better to withstand the workload of 3 – 10 kg. One analysis to perform is by stress distribution occurs in two models with two-dimensional photoelasticity experimental methods. Experimental method was carried out by modeling of light translucent material that was Araldite B. Results of the provided photoelasticity was isochromate pattern by merging light and dark area with a load of each hook model by 1 – 5 kg. Analysis of isochromate pattern of these hook models have the same fracture critical areas to various loading. Stress distribution pattern formed on the same loading, it indicates that the first hook model hold up the load better compared to the second hook model. The average stress that occurs between the two hook models is around 1.204%.
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