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BukuPengukuran Jarak antara Nervus Medianus dengan Otot Palmaris Longus dan Otot Fleksor Carpi Radialis untuk Tindakan Injeksi pada Sindroma Karpal Tunnel (Artikel dari Majalah Kedokteran Damianus Vol. 7 No. 3 September 2008 hal 192-197)
Author: Djuartina, Tena ; Sasmita, Poppy Kristina ; Mulya, Anthyke Efrita
Topik: Median nerve; Palmaris longus muscle; Flexor carpi radials muxcle; Carpal tunnel; Carpal tunner syndrome
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2008    
Jenis: Article - untuk majalah nasional
Fulltext: B17DAM~1.PDF (2.97MB; 1 download)
Background: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition when median nerve is compressed. To relive the pain generated by the compression, one of the method is injecting drug to the nerve. To the injection correctly, we need to locate the median nerve by measuring the mean distance between ppalmaris lounge muscle dan flexor carpi radialis muscle, since the median nerve is located between those muscle.
Method: We dissected 15 cadavers in Atma Jaya Medical Faculty which still have their palmaris longus tendon and flexor carpi radialis tendon intact.
Result: from 30 cadavers wrist, we obtain descriptive data. The mean distance beween right palmaris longus tendon and right median nerve is 0.52 cm ± 0,44, left palmaris longus tendon and left median nerve is 0.39 cm ± 0.26: right flexor carpi radialis tendon and right median nerve is 0.40 cm; 0.20; left flexor carpi radialis tendon and left median nerve is 0.43 cm ± 0.32 (ANNOVA test p =0.710). From those cadavers, we found one cadaver with obsence of palmaris longus muscle, three cadavers with deeper location of the median nerve, and one cadaver with overlapping tendons.
Conclusion: We found that in cadavers there a few variation of palmaris longus tendon with tendon of flexor carpi radialis. Based on this, we have to be careful in injecting the median nerve, since its location varies a lot.
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