Anda belum login :: 22 Nov 2024 23:01 WIB
BukuEducational aspiration, attributions, and motivational goals: a comparative study of 5 sub-ethnicities in Indonesia (article of Asian Journal of Educational Research Vol.3 No.2 p.76-85)
Author: Sutantoputri, Novita Widiawati ; Murniati, Juliana ; Purwanti, Margaretha
Topik: Culture; ethnicity; educational aspiration; attributions; and motivation; JABFUNG-FP-JMR-2023
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Multidisciplinary Journals     Tahun Terbit: 2015    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: 2014 Educational-Aspiration-Attributions-and motivational goals-comparative study.pdf (339.14KB; 1 download)
The present study compares five major sub-ethnicities in Indonesia: Java, Betawi, Sunda, Batak, and Minang on educational aspiration, attributions, and motivational goals. A total of 726 high school students participated in this study. Educational aspiration has three dimensions: ambition (a = .655), enjoyment of school life (a = .559), and importance of school to the future (a = .845). Attributions had three dimensions: locus of control-personal control (a = .772), stability (a = .771), and external control (a = .707). The motivational goals had three dimensions: learning goals (a = .907), performance approach goal (a = .631), and performance avoidance goals (a = .541). There were found statistically significant differences (p < .01) based on ethnicity on ambition, F(4, 723) = 11.31, and importance of school, F(4, 723) = 9.88, dimensions from the educational aspiration; on all the attribution dimensions: locus of control-personal control, F(4, 723) = 9.43; stability, F(4, 723) = 4.55; and external control, F(4, 723) = 10.26, and also on the three dimensions of motivational goals: learning goals, F(4, 723) = 6.28; performance approach goals F(4, 723) = 5.37; and performance avoidance goals F(4, 723) = 3.76.
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