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BukuImplementing Design Thinking for Beverage Product Design (article of International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Vol.16, Number 2 (2021) pp. 135-142)
Author: HENRY, STEVEN ; Ruslan, Wegie ; Sukwadi, Ronald
Topik: Design Thinking; Product Design; Kano Model; QFD; JABFUNG-FT-RS-2023-15
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Research India Publications     Tempat Terbit: India    Tahun Terbit: 2021    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: IJAER 2021.pdf (926.98KB; 1 download)
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Product design needs to grasp the customer needs and realized it through a product to achieve customer satisfaction. As the small business often not knowing why their products are not achieve good sales number in the market, is because of the low customer satisfaction. Therefore, this research of Implementing Design Thinking for Beverage Product Design to be a reference and guide for product design specially beverage products. Using the Design Thinking as the framework of thinking, using the Kano Model and QFD as the tools to grab the customer needs and realize it through the beverage prototype to find customer needs and has a good sale value. The purpose of this research as the reference on how the small entrepreneur design their product, so it could be accepted by the market and get the business profits from their activities. Kano Model and QFD were used as tools in the design thinking framework in this research. The results shown that fruit taste and toppings (nata de coco/jelly/chia seeds) serve as attractive category, and cold serving as the must-be attributes. The prototype produced from this research, got an average score of 4.2/5 maximum scale and a potential 34% of gross profits if it was sold by the price sale value from the respondents. Implementing design thinking as the framework, helps Kano Model define the important attributes and implementing it with QFD to produce a product with high customer satisfaction and make it profitable.
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