Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:13 WIB
BukuAnalysis on the Cogging Torque of Permanent Magnet Machine for Wind Power Applications (presented at 2020 7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences and Informatics (EECSI))
Author: Tajuddin Nur ; Wijayanti, Linda ; De Fretes, Anthon ; Bachri, Karel Octavianus
Topik: cogging torque; permanent magnet machine; renewable energy; finite element analysis; JABFUNG-FT-KOB-2023-17
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: IEEE     Tahun Terbit: 2020    
Jenis: Papers/Makalah - pada seminar internasional
Fulltext: lamp_b_17.pdf (4.39MB; 1 download)
This paper deals with the analysis of cogging torque of permanent magnet machine for wind energy application. For the purpose of study, a 24-slot and 18-pole pairing of permanent magnet machine is selected. In order to reduce the cogging torque of permanent magnet machine based on the wind power requirement, a combining of shaping in magnet edge with three dummy slots in stator core of machine is studied in the paper. The combining of shaping in magnet edge with three dummy slots in stator core give a high value of cogging torque reduction of the model of PMM proposed. For the analysis of the entire machine structure, the finite element analysis is employed in the study. Using the finite element analysis based on FEMM, the cogging torque value of PMM models is analyzed. It is found that the cogging torque reduction value of the model of the PMM proposed can be increased to 98.74 % compared to the conventional PMM model. In conclusion, it can be said that the PMM can be developed and proposed in wind power application.
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