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BukuThe effect of starter culture on bacterial profile in soybean tempeh (article of Food Research Vol.5 Iss.1 p.380 - 389 February 2021)
Author: Pramudito, Theodorus Eko ; Putri, E.G.A. ; Paluphi, E. ; Yogiara
Topik: Tempeh; Starter culture; Bacterial profile; qPCR; Firmicutes; Gammaproteobacteria; JABFUNG-FTB-TEP-2023
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Rynnye Lyan Resources     Tahun Terbit: 2021    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: _48__fr-2020-436_pramudito.pdf (592.8KB; 0 download)
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The bacterial population in soybean tempeh can be affected by many factors such as
hygiene and preparation procedure of the soybean. In this study, we investigate the effect
of different tempeh starter culture on the bacterial profile in comparison to other factors.
The bacterial profile of five commercial tempeh made with different processing
techniques and three samples made with different starter culture were analyzed using
quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The phylum Verrucomicrobia was only
detected in commercial tempeh from unstandardized home-scale industries. Bacteroidetes
were present in commercial tempeh and samples made with starter that contains cassavabased materials. Commercial tempeh from standardized medium-scale industries contains
fewer total bacteria than those from home-scale industries. The addition of starter culture
for tempeh production can increase the number of total bacteria compared to uninoculated
soybeans. However, there was no difference in total bacterial amount between starter
culture variation. Bacterial profiles of all samples were dominated by Firmicutes except
tempeh with the starter culture Cap Jago that is dominated by Gammaproteobacteria. This
study showed that although the type of starter culture did not significantly contribute to
total bacteria in tempeh, it can influence the bacterial profile of the product on phylum
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