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BukuFunctional Fermented Drink of Black Glutinous Rice and Rice Bran with Antimircobial Properties (article of Proceeding of the 15th ASEAN Conference on Food Science and Technology 14-17 November 2017 Hi Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Author: Agustinah, Widya ; Joshua, Michael ; Jenice, Natasha
Topik: Fermentation; lactic acid bacteria; phenolics; ragi tape; Salmonella Typhi; JABFUNG-FTB-WAG-2023-06
Bahasa: (EN )    
Tahun Terbit: 2017    
Jenis: Papers/Makalah - pada seminar internasional
Fulltext: B6 Prosiding poster certificate cover AFC 2.pdf (3.82MB; 1 download)
Poor hygiene and limited access to clean water in Indonesia city slum areas were one of many risk factors that leads to diarrhea and typhoid fever. Black glutinous rice and rice bran are Indonesian local food which contains phenolic, flavonoid and anthocyanin compounds that provide various health benefits in managing oxidative stress and bacterial infection. Microbial fermentation enables the release and modification of free phenolic compounds and demonstrated promising approach to inhibit food-borne pathogens. The objective of this research was to evaluate antimicrobial activity of fermented black glutinous rice and rice bran against Salmonella Typhi. Each substrate and substrate combination were fermented for 3 days at 30°C. The antimicrobial activity was observed using well-diffusion assay. The growth of lactic acid bacteria in store-bought ragi tape (consortium of yeast, mold and lactic acid bacteria) fermented substrate increased since 24 h of fermentation, reached its peak at 9 log CFU/mL and remained constant. The fermented whole rice bran substrate and combination of 25% rice bran and 75% black glutinous rice substrate showed a high inhibition activity against S. Typhi (97%) in a dose-dependent manner after 3 days of fermentation. The addition of rice bran increased the total phenolic and flavonoid content in the fermented combination substrate. These results indicated that fermentation could improve the antimicrobial functionality of the substrate against S. Typhi through possible modification of phenolic compounds.
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