The conventional way of teaching writing may not be sufficient for the young learners in this century. The young learners in this century are use to digital technology. One technology utilization that can help the students in this century learn writing is Multimodal composing (MMC). Besides using MMC, collaborative work is also a required skill in this 21st century. Therefore, this study examines the students’ collaborative process during the MMC writing by conducting a case study on a group of fourth-graders. The research question formulated to reach the objective was How do the students collaborate during the MMC to produce their writing? The research data of this study was taken from the video recording of a group of 4th graders students during their MMC collaborative process, which was later analyzed using the eight adapted coding frameworks from Kim and Kang (2020), and one from Jocius (2015). This study highlighted eight MMC episodes during a group fourth-grader collaborative process. They paid the most significant attention to task management, inquiries about digital tools, and the story's content. |