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BukuMasalah Pemahaman Covid 19 dan Tugas Filsafat (artikel Jurnal Ledalero Vol.2 No.2 Des 2021)
Author: Dua, Mikhael
Topik: Covid-19; Edmund Husserl; Phenomenology; rationality; transversality; JABFUNG-FP-MKD-2022-16
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Katolik Ledalero     Tempat Terbit: Maumere-Flores    Tahun Terbit: 2021    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah nasional
Fulltext: Masalah Pemahaman Covid-19 dan Tugas Filsafat.pdf (645.07KB; 2 download)
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Public understanding of Covid-19 is often seen as a source of problems in pandemic times. This article presents a discussion that the logic of understanding is different from the logic of explanation. If in scientific explanation, law and scientific theory are regarded as the premises, all human understanding departs from the historical experience of the world which belongs to the community. From a phenomenological perspective, human understanding is rational because it is oriented toward convergence without coincidence, unification without equivalence, commonality without identity, and cooperation without uniformity. The Study of the musical experiences of East Nusa Tenggara shows that the people of East Nusa Tenggara have transverse rationality, in a sense that is convergent with the health protocol, although is based on the mythical cosmology. Based on this kind of logos, any effort in solving Covid-19's problem as a point of convergence needs interpretation of local community different understanding.
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