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ArtikelPembentukan Kode Telapak Tangan (Palm Code) Berbasis Metode Gabor 2D  
Oleh: Erdiawan ; Bhuana, Wira ; Putra, I Ketut Gede Darma
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Makara Journal of Technology vol. 15 no. 2 (Nov. 2011), page 161-167.
Topik: Biometrics; Gabor Filter; Hamming Distance; Identification; Palm-Print
Fulltext: Pembentukan Kode Telapak Tangan.pdf (460.82KB)
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Isi artikelEstablishment Code Hand Palm (Palm Code) 2D Gabor-Based Method. Palm-print is relatively new in physiological biometrics. Palm-print ROI segmentation and feature extraction are two important issues in palm print recognition. This paper introduces two steps in the center of mass moment method for ROI segmentation that will be applied in the Gabor 2D filter to obtain palm code as palm-print feature vector. Normalized Hamming distance was used to measure the similarity degrees of two feature vectors of palm-print. The system was tested using database 1000 palm-print images generated from 5 samples from each of the 200 persons randomly selected with ROI 64 x 64 and 128 x 128 pixel. Experiment results show that this system can achieve high performance with a success rate about 98.7% (FRR = 1.17%, FAR = 0.11%, T = 0.376) with ROI 64 x 64 pixel.
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