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BukuHubungan antara Hendaya Kognitif dan Genotipe APOE e4 terhadap Kemandirian Lansia (artikel Jurnal Neurona Vol. 34 No. 4 September 2017)
Author: Eveline ; Turana, Yuda ; Widayanti, Rr. Josephine Retno
Topik: Activity of daily living; APOE; cognitive; elderly; JABFUNG-FKIK-YDT-2021-44
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Departemen Neurologi FKUI/ RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2017    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah nasional
Fulltext: B44 Jurnal ilmiah Nasional Terakreditasi Kemenristekdikti peringkat 1 dan 2.pdf (3.33MB; 2 download)
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Introduction: The prevalence of cognitive impairment and disability increases with age. Severe cognitive impairment can lead to an inability to live independently and decrease ability in doing more complex daily life activities. The genotype of APOE e4 affects cognitive impairment and is associated with walking, motor skills, and disability functions. Elderly with APOE e4 will tend to experience inability to live independently.

Aim: To determine the relationship between cognitive impairment and APOE e4 genotype with independence in elderly.

Method: Cross sectional study in 210 elderly subjects =60 years, conducted from July to October 2015 as part of Atma jaya Cognitive Aging Research. Cognitive impairment is observed when the score of Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) is less than 24. The APOE e4 genotype was assessed using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Independence was assesed by Instrumental Activity Daily Living ( IADL).

Result: There were 29% participants had cognitive impairment, 3.3% required assistance in performing IADL, 24.6% had genotype APOE e4+. Subjects were unable to use telephones (35.2%), transportation (26.2%), and unable handling finances independently (14.3%). The results of analysis showed significant relationship between cognitive impairment with telephone usage and transportation. There were no correlation between APOE e4 and all variables of IADL.

Discussion: The presence of cognitive impairment is correlated with the ability in using telephones and transportation independently. There was no relationship found between APOE e4 with independence in elderly.
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