Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:19 WIB
ArtikelSocial Competence, Social Support, and Attachment: Demarcation of Construct Domains, Measurement, and Paths of Influence for Preschool Children Attending Head Start  
Oleh: Washington, Wanda Newell ; Bost, Kelly K. ; Bradbard, Marilyn R. ; Cielinski, Kerry L. ; Vaughn, Brian E.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Child Development vol. 69 no. 01 (Feb. 1998), page 192-218.
Topik: Q-Short; Social Competence; Attachment; Social Support
Fulltext: 1132080.pdf (818.46KB)
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Isi artikelTwo studies designed to (1) explore measurement issues for the construct domains of social competence and social support and (2) test a model relating social competence to social support and to child-parent attachment for low-income (primarily African American) preschool children attending Head Start are reported. In Study 1, the definition, measurement, and structure of the social competence construct are evaluated in 2 samples of children. For Study 1A, 167 4-year-old children were assessed with a battery of observation, interview, and Q-sort measures. Relations among the measures suggested a hierarchical structure that was tested using a structural equation model. Results from the analysis supported the conjecture that social competence should be viewed as a hierarchically organized construct. In Study 1B, the model was tested again for a group of 3and 4-year-old children (11 = 265), using a modified set of measures. The general structure of the model from Study 1A was reproduced in this independent sample, although paths from the second-order factor to lower-order factors were not perfectly coordinated across samples.
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