Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:56 WIB
ArtikelTheoretical Studies Of Atomic Transport Properties Of Agxcu1-X Liquid Binary Alloys  
Oleh: Ahmed, A. Z. Ziauddin ; Rana, Md. Masud ; Nazneen, Laila ; Bhuiyan, E. H. ; Hoque, A. K. M.Fazlul ; Bhuiyan, G. M. ; Rashid, R.I.M.A
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: Asian Network for Quality (ANQ) Congress 2011, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 27-30 September 2011, page 1-12.
Topik: Atomic Transport Property; Shear Viscosity; Diffusion Constant; LWCA Perturbation Theory; Pseudopotential; Hard Sphere Diameters
Fulltext: BD4 Abu Zafur Ziaudin_Full Paper.pdf (315.12KB)
Isi artikelThe atomic transport properties mainly the shear viscosity and diffusion constants of AgxCu1-x liquid less-simple binary alloys are studied systematically from the idea of statistical mechanical theory known as the distribution function method. The interionic interaction is modeled as a local pseudopotential (Bretonnet Silbert Model) and the effective hard sphere diameters (HSD) are obtained from the linearized Weeks-Chandler-Andersen (LWCA) method. The soft part contribution to the viscosity involves an integration. The pertinent integrands diverge for all concentrations despite the pair distribution functions and the derivatives of the potentials converge. With an efficient truncation of the integrand for numerical calculations gives satisfactory results. The calculated values show that the hard part contribution of the interionic interaction dominates the soft part contribution for the concern systems. Results also reflect that the friction coefficient plays an important role for diffusion coefficient of species of liquid alloys. It is found that agreement with experiment is good for in the case of static properties and fairly good for shear viscosity and diffusion coefficient.
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