Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:18 WIB
ArtikelOn Extinction of Inhibition: Do Explicitly Unpaired Conditioned Inhibitors Extinguish?  
Oleh: Williams, Douglas A.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The American Journal of Psychology vol. 99 no. 4 (1986), page 515-525.
Topik: Inhibition; Rats; Stimulus
Fulltext: 1422291.pdf (1.1MB)
Isi artikelThe present experiments used a conditioned suppression procedure with rats to examine whether the repeated nonreinforced presentation of an explicitly unpaired conditioned inhibitory stimulus (CS-) in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus (US) would reduce the inhibitory power of the CS-. Two explicitly unpaired CS-s were developed within-subjects by negatively correlating each of two CS-s with the US. An attempt was then made to extinguish one of the two CS-s. In Experiment 1, the extinction operations were carried out either in the same context as the original conditioning or in a different context where the US had never been experienced. In Experiment 2, the extinction operations were given in the same context as the original conditioning either with or without prior neutralization of the excitatory contextual cues. The inhibitory powers of the "extinguished" and "nonextinguished" CS-s were then compared in a summation test. In both experiments, the CS- subjected to the extinction procedure and the nonextinguished CS- produced reliable and similar amounts of inhibition in the summation test. This suggests that explicitly unpaired CS-s, like Pavlovian CS-s, do not lose inhibitory power as a result of extinction operations in which the CS- is presented in the absence of the US.
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