Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:14 WIB
ArtikelDecomposition of Cohen's matrix R into simpler color invariants  
Oleh: Brill, Michael H.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The American Journal of Psychology vol. 98 no. 4 (1985), page 625.
Topik: Cohen's Matrix R; Color
Fulltext: 1422514.pdf (798.85KB)
Isi artikelMatrix R of linear-group tristimulus invariants, presented by Cohen and Friden (1976) and Cohen and Kappauf (1982), was decomposed into functions of simplert ristimulusv olume ratios( alsol inear-groupin variants)S. uch volume ratios were applied to the dual problems of color constancy and illuminantinvariant object-color recognition by an artificial trichromatic photosensor. The proof of the decomposition theorem relies on a lemma used in previous work elucidating the conditions for illuminant-invariance of clockwise/ counterclockwise ordering of triads of object colors in chromaticity space.
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