Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:07 WIB
ArtikelSingle-task and dual-task tracking: Problems in the semantics and dynamics of action  
Oleh: Birch, David ; Cuqlock, V. Grayson
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The American Journal of Psychology vol. 100 no. 2 (1987), page 267.
Topik: Single-Task; Dual-Task; Semantic
Fulltext: 1422408.pdf (1.98MB)
Isi artikelEvidence is presented that single-task and dual-task tracking can be conceived of as "doing the same thing under different conditions" when it is the tracking activity that is to be characterized. But when viewed in terms of the structure of the movements that occur, single- and dual-task tracking exemplify "doing different things." Subjects carried out single- and dualtask tracking during repeating, 30-s cycles throughout 10-min trials. Cognitive tasks to be carried out concurrently with tracking in the dual-task condition were designed so that the physical environment was the same during the two tracking intervals. Consistent and reliable mean differences for the single- and dual-task tracking intervals were found for average integrated error (AIE) and for the spectral measures of phase, amplitude, and coherence. Tetrad differences analyses suggest that although one common factor may be responsible for the observed AIE differences, separate factors for single- and dual-task tracking seem to be called for by all three spectral measures. Discussion centers on the theoretical and empirical distinctions to be made among the concepts of action, activity, performance, and movement structures, and the way in which measures of each may be affected by the tasks presented to subjects.
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