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ArtikelHemispheric Involvement in Shadowing VS. Interpretation: A Time-Sharing Study of Simultaneous Interpreters with Matched Bilingual and Monolingual Controls  
Oleh: Green, Adele ; White, Nancy ; Steiner, Richard ; Vaid, Jyotsna
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Brain and Language (Full Text) vol. 39 no. 1 (Jul. 1990), page 107-133.
Fulltext: 39_01_Green_Nicholson_Vaid_White_Steiner.pdf (1.6MB)
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Isi artikelA time-sharing study used shadowing and interpretation/paraphrasing tasks to evaluate lateralization in professional interpreters individually matched to bilingual and monolingual controls. A two-step multivariate general linear model procedure was used to determine lateralized effects and extent of disruption produced by the tasks. Results revealed the monolingual group to be left lateralized for both tasks, but the two bilingual groups were lateralized in the LH only for shadowing. The monolingual group was significantly different from the bilingual groups in the pattern of hand asymmetry for interpretation/paraphrasing. The findings replicate outcomes of prior repeated measures analysis of variance procedures on percentage of change scores. However, new information is added by the more refined analysis. The findings are also discussed in terms of previous laterality studies using similar tasks and subject samples. @ 1990 Academic Press. Inc.
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