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Artikel Analisis Pengukuran RULA dan REBA Petugas pada Pengangkatan Barang di Gudang dengan Menggunakan Software ErgoIntelligence (Studi kasus: Petugas Pembawa Barang di Toko Dewi Bandung)  
Oleh: Sutrio ; Firdaus, Oktri Mohammad
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Riset & Teknologi Terapan (Ritektra) "Peran Riset & Teknologi Terapan dalam Pengembangan Industri", Jakarta 7-8 Juli 2011 : Fakultas Teknik Industri, page 203-210.
Topik: Ergonomics; RULA; REBA; Software Ergointelligence
Fulltext: TI-028 Oktri & Sutrio (Widyatama Bandung) pg 203 - 210.pdf (367.67KB)
Isi artikelThe measurement of RULA and REBA of a transporter is done in Dewi Bandung Store. The process of transporting is very influential towards the safety of human body parts. This goods transportation is aimed to discover RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) and REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) towards the transporter who transports the goods from outside the store and into the warehouse. The purpose of the measurement of RULA and Reba is to identify the activity that could cause severe injury towards the transporter from their body posture, body movement, and muscle activity. This measurement of RULA and REBA is done through ergo intelligence software. This software contains the feature to seek score of RULA and REBA. Every body movement will be given a score in accordance with the appropriate category. The scores that are given will be inputted automatically and the result could be seen in the final score of the said RULA and REBA. The result of RULA and REBA contains the categories of safe and dangerous with the result of safe it would state that the body movement activity is passable, and if not then it might need to be improved to avoid injuries. All in all, the measurement of RULA and REBA shows that the body movements of a transporter are passable.
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