Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:42 WIB
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Recency and suffix effects as a function of auditory confusability and set size
Manning, Susan Karp
Robinson, Iliana I.
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
The American Journal of Psychology vol. 102 no. 4 (1989)
page 495.
Auditory Confusability
Isi artikel
Two studies were performed to test the effects of auditory confusability and set size on recency and suffix effects in the immediate recall of auditorily presented stimuli, an area in which a number of confusing findings exist. In Experiment 1, the usual recency found with auditorily dissimilar stimuli was reduced but not totally eliminated with auditorily similar stimuli. A smaller as compared with a larger set size did not reduce recency with stimuli that were not confusable. However, the interaction of the two variables led to the total elimination of recency. Suffix effects were present and they markedly reduced or eliminated recency in all conditions in which recency occurred. In Experiment 2, the same variables were studied omitting the suffix. However, in this study the small set-size stimuli varied from sequence to sequence. The results were similar except that although still significant, recency was reduced for dissimilar small set-size stimuli. The results of these studies and others are interpreted in terms of a proposed final item distinctiveness theory, positing that subjective final item distinctiveness is the cause of recency and its reduction the cause of suffix effects.
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