Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:56 WIB
ArtikelStudent perceptions of fair grading: A range-frequency analysis  
Oleh: Wedell, Douglas H. ; Parducci, Allen ; Roman, Diana
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The American Journal of Psychology vol. 102 no. 2 (1989), page 233.
Topik: Fair Grading; Student Perception; Grading
Fulltext: 1422955.pdf (1.45MB)
Isi artikelUniversity students were instructed to assign grades as fairly as possible to different hypothetical distributions of exam scores (bell, U, positively skewed, and negatively skewed). Experiment 1 demonstrated significant distribution effects that were quantitatively consistent with Parducci's (1965) range- frequency theory: Grading reflected a roughly equal compromise between a tendency to assign grades to equal subranges of exam scores (e.g., A's to the top fifth of the range) and a tendency to assign an equal number of scores to each grade (e.g., A's to the top 20% of scores). Individual differences in the relative weighting of these two tendencies were fairly reliable, r,, = 0.76. Although most students followed a roughly equal compromise, a few favored "grading on a straight scale" (equal subranges) and a few "grading on a curve" (equal frequencies). The results of Experiment 2 supported a range-frequency model in which different grades tend to be used with equal frequency over a modified model in which different grades tend to be used with fixed but unequal frequencies.
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