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Gambaran tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dan dampaknya terhadap kesehatan di DKI Jakarta.
Widjaja, Nelly Tina
Gani, Lucia
Surjadi, Charles
Handajani, Yvonne Suzy
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
Prosiding penelitian 2008: eksakta
page 73.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Health Impact
DKI Jakarta
Perpustakaan PKPM
Nomor Panggil:
301.084.6 PRO
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Jakarta, one of the megapolitan cities in South East Asia, has many problems like double burden of diseases, poses serious challenges to the health systems and calls for considerable changes in the allocation of already scarce resources. Globalization and rapid trade liberalization, have generated numerous problems. While the rich are becoming richer, the poor are getting poorer with the gap between rich and poor increasing. These problems could more easily be overcome by cooperation with corporations which took activities in Jakarta. Since several years ago corporate social responsibility or CSR was discussed intensively, especially before UU No. 40/2007 enacted. The aim of this study is to know the description of CSR and its impact to health in Jakarta. The description of CSR includes understanding the concept of CSR, corporate behavior, health services, and environmental health. The impact to health, mainly discussed here was improvement of community health program especially in CSR activities. This was a cross sectional study with guided interview method using questionnaire. Respondent were being choose with selection and would involve in this study, those were ten big national corporations and eleven big foreign corporations. The result of this study gave information that (1) CSR contribution in health based on corporate vision- mission was less than 50%; there were still confusing in understanding the concept of CSR between responsibility and obligation of the corporate; the corporate were enough serious managing health by having health policy, both written and unwritten, that was 82%-90%; (2) about corporate behavior: (a) generally: the target of national corporations of CSR were mainly for the employee who work in their corporation, meanwhile, the target for foreign corporation was the employee themselves, community surrounding the corporate and community far away from the corporate in a balance condition. National corporates tend to make collaboration with government and high education institution, while, foreign corporate tend to collaborate with government and NGO (b) in health: CSR in health was conducted about 64%-70%. There were some corporate using female employee more than 50%. The target of CSR in health for corporate product was only 20%-36%; (3) Comprehensive health care delivery in the corporate was 55%-80%. National corporate tend to give more curative health care, while foreign corporate tend to gave promotif/preventif care and means of health care; (4) environmental health: the fulfillment of health criteria of the occupation room was 60%-100%. There were only one-third national corporates which had industrial cesspool Amdal certificate. The activities of environment health were conducted mainly to increase awareness about pollution and planting trees, that was 60%-70%. Based on the result of this study, there were some suggestions: to make agreement about the CSR concept especially in health, CSR promotion to become corporate value, increasing CSR in health for corporate product, improvement in working condition and standard of the employee, increasing CSR in health for corporate which had industrial cesspool without having Amdal certificate. Hoping the mainly impact of CSR in health in Jakarta was improving infant and children health for the working mother by giving facility for them and there are still an expectation for having regulation of CSR in health, so the role in conduction among corporate, government, high education institution and NGO will be clear and sustain.
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