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ArtikelThe Future of Bowling? It Glitters  
Oleh: Elkind, Peter
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Fortune vol. 163 no. 4 (Mar. 2011), page 29-31.
Topik: Bowling; Entrepreneurs; Personal Profiles; Business Growth
Fulltext: The Future of Bowling.pdf (30.92KB)
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Isi artikelIn the great, neon-lit, rackety universe of bowling enthusiasts,there are some men who stand out from the rest. John Amend, a 62-year-old resident of Dallas, is among them. Amend caught the bowling bug 10 years ago, when he went with one of his sons to Showplace Lanes in suburban Garland, TX, and rolled for the first time in 35 years. Amend's private four-lane bowling center, which cost $1.5 million, became a place for business networking, charity events, and celebrity appearances. Amend's ambition is to create a sort of alternative bowling universe, where the well-heeled will go for a night on the town. Amend made his fortune playing a wide-ranging role representing tenants, even providing in-house design and contracting services. His firm grew to 300 employees -- until the 2002 bankruptcy of WorldCom, his biggest client, forced Amend into a rapid downsizing.
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