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BukuMetagenomics Study Revealed that Oncom, a Peanut Press-cake Fermentation Food, is a Promising Source of Lactic Acid Bacteria (presented at 10th ACLAB Yogyakarta, 28-31 August 2019)
Author: Yogiara ; Magdalena, Stella
Topik: Oncom; Lactic Acid Bacteria; 16S-rDNA; Shotgun Metagenomics
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Asian Conference on Lactic Acid Bacteria (ACLAB)     Tempat Terbit: Yogyakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2019    
Jenis: Poster
Fulltext: naskah yogiara lamp.B13.pdf (610.83KB; 5 download)
Oncom is known as an Indonesian fermented food made from fermentation of a peanut press-cake by fungus like Neurospora spp. And Rhizopus oligosporus. Beside Neurospora and Rhizopus as the main fermenter, bacteria may also play a role in fermentation process. However, the bacterial community that living in oncom is not well described. So that, this study was aimed to explore bacterial community living in oncom, especially lactic acid bacteria group. The 16S metagenomics sequencing was applied to investigate bacterial diversity in red oncom and black oncom. Shotgun metagenomics was used to study bacterial diversity and functionality in oncom Bandung. Based on 16S-metagomocis analyses, the results showed that lactic acid was found in all six oncom samples (3 red oncom and 3 black oncom). Order Lactobacillale was found 20-70% of total bacteria in oncom. Deeper analyses by using shotgun metagenomics analyses also found that lactic acid was predominantly inhabited oncom Bandung. Lactobacillus, Weissella, Leuconostoc, were a member of lactic acid bacteria group found in three oncom Bandung samples. This study showed that oncom is one of the promising sources of lactic acid bacteria. Further study should be conducted to understand the role of lactic acid bacteria in oncom fermentation process.
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