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ArtikelRomanticism and Marital Adjustment  
Oleh: Spanier, Graham B.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Marriage and the Family vol. 34 no. 03 (Aug. 1972), page 481.
Isi artikelThis article explores the relationship between romanticism and marital adjustment. Two hypotheses reflecting two schools of thought relating to the relationship are presented. One suggests romanticism as functional in society, the other as dysfunctional. A sample of 218 was studied using the Dean Romanticism Scale and the Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Scale. No significant relationship was found although there was a slight positive correlation between the variables.It is concluded that romanticism does not appear to be harmful to marriage relationships in particular or the family system in general, and is therefore not generally dysfunctional in our society
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