Anda belum login :: 11 Mar 2025 12:07 WIB
ArtikelThe Day of the Newt; The Republican Nomination  
Oleh: [s.n]
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: The Economist ( vol. 401 no. 8762 (Dec. 2011), page 41-42.
Topik: Primaries & Caucuses; Political Parties; Politicians
Fulltext: The day of the Newt.pdf (18.67KB)
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Isi artikel"God", explains Newt Gingrich, in response to a question about his health, "wanted me to be a bear, not a gazelle." And yet after months of ursine shuffling and growling from the rear of the Republican presidential field, he has sprung to the front ranks, barely four weeks before the first primaries. Mr Gingrich, a former speaker of the House of Representatives, now leads Mitt Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts and his closest rival, by several percentage points in most national polls. He is the front-runner in Iowa, South Carolina, and Florida, the first, third and fourth states to vote, and appears to be trimming Mr Romney's lead in New Hampshire, the second. Mr Romney has been a far steadier force in the race, seeing off a parade of candidates who have soared in the polls only to fall back again. But he has never built a commanding lead--and Mr Gingrich suddenly finds himself the candidate best positioned to claim the "anyone-but-Mitt" mantle. It helps that the previous claimant, Herman Cain, a pizza mogul and radio host, is seeing his support wither, thanks to a series of allegations about his sex life.
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